Friday, May 25, 2012

high five for friday.

happy memorial day weekend! we have plans to go to my family's lake cottage! bring on the floating, boating and relaxing! :) 

here are five highlights from my week:

the amazing wedges i scored while on vacation. 
(they were 10 dollars, so i got both colors :)

last sunday, jeremy and i were in a concert at a local church.
there's nothing quite like singing with a full orchestra and 200 voice choir! it was awesome!

my earrings came from the giveaway i won!
sweet laura wrote me this note too. made my day!

jeremy's CD arrived this week!! SO excited to see this dream of his fulfilled. i will post details next week about how you can purchase your copy online! (and i'll be doing a giveaway with one of his cd's for a lucky reader! :) 

tonight is the CD release and farewell concert for us before we move to Connecticut in a few weeks. if you are in the Grand Rapids area, you won't want to miss this!


have a great l-o-n-g weekend!! 



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