Tuesday, July 31, 2012

twenty seven by 27.

yes, it's true! today is my 26th birthday. this past year has been full of "new"---> a new state. a new home. a new job (somewhere). a new circle of friends. new grocery stores. a new routine. with a fresh start comes new dreams and goals. so without further adieu, here are my twenty seven goals i hope to accomplish before my birthday next year:  

1 // find a hairdresser i love.
2 // go thrifting in NYC.
3 // grow an herb garden.
4 // complete an art journal.
5 // find a favorite coffee shop.
6 // send at least a few handwritten letters.
7 //  visit the local farmer's market.
8 // find (and become a member at) a gym.
9 // host another free to be me self-esteem workshop.
10 // continue to do video blogging.
11 // keep a running list of meal ideas to prevent stressful mondays.
12 // make (or buy) an eye cream.
13 // order business cards.
14 // improve my pancake making skills.
15 // complete (at least one) DIY project from pinterest.
16 // surprise j with a candlelight dinner (with wine, of course).
17 // continue to practice yoga for flexibility and strength.
18 // eat more fruits and veggies and less carbs.
19 // create and utilize a money management plan (aka budget).
20 // make more smoothies.
21 // organize my favorite recipes.
22 // continue to customize my blog layout {possibly get a re-design}.
23 // delete unnecessary emails.
24 // continue to seek out guest blogging opportunities.
25 // start using more coupons.
26 // continue to treat myself by getting my nails done. (yeah, this one is so hard.) 
27 // take vitamins.

here's to another year of life! i think i'll go treat myself to a frappuccino. :)



  1. good luck with your bucket list and happy birthday!

  2. happy 26th!!! it looks like a great list!

  3. Great list and some of my stuff is on there as well (nails, vitamins, art journal, working out at home with Insanity, making more smoothies..) and the list goes on. =) Happy belated birthday once again. =)


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